Sunday, October 18, 2015


Ask me about my eating habits.  Go ahead, ask me.

For the past year I have been trying to instill better eating habits into my life.  Chicken, brown rice, and veggies.  Fruit instead of candy.  Protein bars instead of cookies.  That sort of thing.  I feel like I've done an okay job at this.  Now and then I slip up, but I feel I can always start fresh the next week.

However, deep down, I love to get shitty food.  I love peanut butter m&ms.  I love french fries.  I love pizza.  I love breadsticks.  It would be a perfect day if I got to eat all of those things.  However, the day would end with me curled up in the bed, fetal position, holding my stomach, and asking my spouse, "Why did I eat all that food??  Why did you let me?!"
First this, 

then this, 

equals this!

I can usually go for a couple days eating like this before I snap out of it and eat some salad or something healthy.  Somehow, this week I managed to eat my way around the world:
Monday: Ramen
Thursday: Baja Fresh
Friday: Pizza
Saturday: Burgerville & Gyros
Sunday: Sunday dinner with parents

On Saturday I felt like going for broke.  After dinner I got a bag of Gummy Lifesavers AND and bag of peanut butter m&ms for my game night food since "the diet starts Monday, and I'm gonna go out with a bang!"

I woke up this morning still feeling full.  At the grocery store I bought veggies to make asian-inspired dinners, fruit to give me the sugar I crave (I stayed far away from the Halloween candy aisle).

The hope is that this week will be a detox for me.  No soda.  Very little processed sugar.  Very little meat.  Lots of water.

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